Sunday, April 22, 2012

Humbled at Heart

Yesterday was 4/21/12, the day that was filled with so many adventures and learning for me! My church did this service project called One Day, where 250 students from 6 different churches all converged to one Church, and then went out to perform 30 different jobs all around Southwest FL. My job was to go clean a Widow's home, and man did we clean it. We vacuumed her house, cleaned out her pantry, which meant throwing out so many outdated cans. One can I found was dated from 1991! We also flipped her mattress, made her bed, cleaned her bathrooms, cleaned the kitchen, and cleaned out her China set! Though it was hard labor and took a few hours it was so rewarding to see how happy and grateful she was of our help! I really enjoyed going out a serving the community! Later that day, I went to the 6:30 church service as I always do, and it was Baptism weekend! 4 of my amazing small group girls all got baptized that day! I'm so incredibly proud of them all and I don't know what I would do without them! It's so incredible to see people get Baptized. Something in you just stirs, and even if you don't know the person, you still feel proud for them. Watching all those lives change in just one day is overwhelming! My heart is so full of love for these guys, and my church. 

Check out my church on Fox News!

Fox-4 News on One Day Next Level Church

My girls and their baptisms!!