Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So during prayer today at Collide, we sort of talked about how a lot of people at Collide, are burdened.  That we're all carrying so much weight, and it's just knocking us down. There's a heaviness that you can literally feel in the room. So Pastor Will said that he wanted us to have five minutes of silence. No praying, no thinking about anything. Just silence. And the reason being, is because we often get so overwhelmed and so wound up with our own problems and stresses, that we either forget about God, or we just don't listen to him. And then when you really need him, and when you pray, you sometimes feel like He's not there, or He's not helping you. But He is always there, and He is always talking to you. We're just too busy with our problems to listen. We don't listen like we should. Being in solitude and silence is a good time for you to listen to God. It's a good time for you to lay out your problems to the Lord, and say "Here I am, here's all the hurts, here's all the wounds. Fix it." He will. And if you ask, He will help you with your problems. You may not see it, or you may not get it, but he does. You're just not listening. And sitting in silence is a good way to do that. And no one likes to sit in silence, I know. I hate being in solitude, and I hate not having my mind preoccupied. I don't like the idea of all my worries rushing in to my mind at once. That's what silence does to me. It scares me. And it scares many other people as well. But we need to move past that. We need to discipline ourselves to get over the fact that yes, we have problems. And yes, we need to deal with them. Lay them out to God. He'll help you. All you have to do, is listen. 

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