Sunday, October 30, 2011

Venom and Carnage VS Sin and Evil

Alright, so last night my father and I were having a discussion about God, and Christians and the like, when I randomly thought of the coolest analogy, for our, as in humans, sin and evil. That analogy is exactly what the title says. Yes, I'm that cool to make a Spider man reference that correlates with Religion. Anyway, here we go. :) So obviously the episode of Spiderman that I watched last night was where he encounters Venom and Carnage. Later in the episode, Brock (Venom) is in a constant battle to try and overcome the Symbiot (The alien that turns him into Venom) Now the way Brock is now, is in a way similar to people who haven't found or connected to God. These people are constantly battling temptations, and right from wrong decisions. They're battling with the evil that the Bible specifically says we all have. These people are in a daily battle with Sin and Evil, and they have no one to help them with it. Towards the end of the episode, Brock is taken to Dr. Conner's (The one armed doctor who turns into a big alligator) and Dr. Conner's is able to rid Brock of the evil Symbiot once and for all, and Brock is finally free. This reference is similar to those who seek and worship God. We, as Christians, still deal with sinning, and evil, and temptations all the time. But it's much easier to deal with and overcome if you have God to help you. When you take the oath to serve and worship and love God with everything you have, God renews you. The way Dr. Conner took away Brock's evil, God does the same for us. He takes away our past mistakes, our screw ups, our bad decisions. He takes it all away, and makes us new. We get a fresh start. And yes, we still make mistakes and bad decisions even after that, but with God to help us it becomes easier to bear. Having God on your side changes your life. And if you're one of the people that wants to get to know God, but isn't sure on how to begin, just simply ask Him. Just say, God here I am, I need you. I want to know you. He won't deny you. He may show you that He is with you in a small way, or a big impactful way. But either or, He will show you. You just have to be willing to see. God will change your life. I know this from experience, and it's the best thing that will ever happen. You will still have hard trials, and He may even be the one to put you through them. But with God on your side, with God to help you through the storm, it becomes easier. Take a leap of Faith. Get to know Jesus. What's the harm in trying? It could be the best decision you ever make.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Practical Steps

So, this post is about "redefining" the word dating. Wills input, is he thinks we should date...-ish. He also thinks we should not date.....-ish. There are 5 Practical Steps to take, which are 1.Friendship. 2.Dating. 3.Deepening 4. Engagement and 5.Marriage. If this caught your attention and you want to know more, watch the video dude! :3 Otherwise, you will never know what any of this means. 0.o Check it out. :)))

Going All The Way-Part 3- Practical Steps

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Free At Last

"No apologies. For who I'm meant to be. The only thing that matters is, I am free. When I am overwhelmed, holding pieces of my heart. When I feel my world start to fall apart. To the cross I run, holding high my chains undone. Now I am finally free. free to be what I've become....Undone"

So I've been thinking a lot since I was Baptized, and these lyrics really tell it all. I am free. Free from my heavy chains that held me in place for so long. Free from all my past mistakes and screw ups. I was made new, and I feel it! It's so incredibly hard to describe, but I can just feel something is different. I felt the need to share this. C:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Finding the One- Part 2

So, as I figured, I'm not really going to write anything about this entire series. Just because, I'm not quite sure on how. Sooo as I said in Part 1, you needeth to doith yourself a favor-ith.....? Favor-ith? Ahh whatever.  And watch the video that will soon be posted down below. So as soon as I am able to do that, watch it!! Edify yourself!

Check out the video!

Finding the One- Part 2

Monday, October 17, 2011

Being a Helper

So Sunday, October 16, I went back to Next Level Church to see a few of my good friends get Baptized! And it turned out to be another amazing day, because I had the honor of helping my best friend make the decision to get Baptized. She had come to Church to see her two brothers get Baptized, but hadn't been planning on it herself. And every time pastor Matt spoke about there being no reason for anyone, to miss being baptized today, I would nudge and look over at her. She would just laugh and continue to listen to him speak. When the time came to go outside and watch the Baptisms begin, she looked at me and told me that she did want to be Baptized, but she wasn't sure it was the right time. So I told her to wait until she absolutely knew. A few minutes later, she smiled at me and told me she was sure. That she wanted to get Baptized. So we both ran inside, got her signed up, and she went into the bathroom to change. When she came out, I stood in line with her until it was almost her time, and the next thing I know *BAM* She was dunked. I am so incredibly proud of her, and to top it off, one of her brothers who had also been Baptized, got to participate and help Baptize his sister! That's so incredibly amazing!! The three siblings, all got baptized that day. That just makes my heart so happy! Lol. You know, I think the best part about it, was that she made that decision on short notice. I think the people that are spontaneous about getting Baptized, can sometimes mean the most. It was just another incredible day, at Next level Church. :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The most Memorable night of my Life....(Thus far)

So today, on October 15, 2011, I was Baptized at the most incredible Church, by the most incredible people. Words cannot even begin to describe how I felt, but I'm going to try anyway because that's how much I want to share this with everyone :) When I arrived at Next Level Church, I went to sign in and get my Baptism T-shirt. I'm going to be honest. I was so incredibly nervous. I had no idea why, and still have no idea why. But my heart was racing, and I just couldn't sit still. When the time finally came to walk outside and line up by the pool, I was a nervous wreck. (In a good way) I was so excited, and nervous, and anxious, and a whole other myriad of emotions. You know, it's weird, even writing about this is making my heart race again. Anyway, when I saw the first person get Baptized, I was just in awe. When it was almost my turn to step in the pool, I thought my heart was going to just explode. But it didn't. I'm still here :) There were bright lights all around, and the Baptisms were being filmed live for the people inside the Church to watch, so that was a little scary too.  But finally, after long seconds ticked by Pastor Kyle signaled I could go in. I stepped into the pool, walked up to Mike Ash and Scott Drummond (Two of the Pastors) and here comes Will with a microphone in hand, standing in front of the camera, talking about my blog. Then he turns to me, and unexpectedly (to me at least) starts asking me questions. Questions about what God has done for me, why I started writing my blog, how my life has changed, things like that. Completely and unexpectedly put me on the spot. Thanks for that Will :p Then, Pastor Mike and Scott started praying and finally, I was dunked... When I came back up, everything just felt, weird. I can't really explain it, but I knew something was different. My face was tingly. I stepped out of the pool, grabbed my towel, and walked over to my parents. First thing I did when I hugged my parents (Which I didn't think I would do) was cry. I don't know what came over me, but the tears just kept on coming. Lol. After the last person was Baptized, we all went to dry off and change, and as usual I went to go get hugs from my favorite people. Which, if you haven't already figured it out, I love hugs. I could live off of hugs. :) And now I'm at home, still in awe by what just happened, writing this post. And I'm sitting here thinking, my life is so incredibly blessed. I'm blessed take every single breath, I'm blessed to have all of these amazing people in my life. I couldn't ever ask for anything more. I have it all right here. Tonight will be a night I will never forget. So thank you to everyone at Next Level Church. Thank you to everyone who made my night memorable. I couldn't ask for better people to be in my life. I have the best of the best. And I have to thank God for that. :) <3

Check it out!!!

My Baptism

Friday, October 14, 2011

Finding The One

Well, I'm not exactly sure on how to write about the last message given at youth group, so you're just going to have to do yourself a HUGE favor, and watch this video. Please check it out, it'll be worth it. Will puts a lot of effort into these messages, and he does a great job. It could change your life, and this video will give you a good laugh too. :)

Going All The Way- Part 1

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Be Dangerous and Crazy!!

So tonight at Collide, we had a guest speaker come and preach to us, and his name was Mario Hood. His message was about being Dangerous. Praying dangerous, being dangerous Christians. Now I know you're probably thinking the same thing I was. "Christians aren't supposed to be dangerous, what the heck?" But the term dangerous is used in a different context in this message. What he meant was I guess in a way to be bold. Fight with people spiritually, try to get people to be involved with God. We need to pray dangerously too. Pray for your school, for your family, for your nation, for people that need help. Don't pray for silly things like getting a B on your test because you haven't studied, or praying that you'll see that certain someone that day. We all need to pray for meaningful things. Prayer is the most powerful thing we have to use, and yet, it's the very thing that we hardly ever use. Some people only pray when they feel they really need to, like when a family member is sick or something goes wrong. We need to pray every. Single. Day. Mario said, "If prayer is something, Prayer is everything." I'm pretty sure that's how it went anyways. Haha. We also need to be crazy! And as Christians, if you're a Christian, you are already half-way there. :) Being crazy, we need to show EVERYBODY that we love and worship Jesus! We need to tell and explain to people how He has touched, and changed our lives! We need to tell people about the Gospel, and about what Jesus has done for you, other people, and what he could do for them! Tell them to just give Him a chance, and their life will change forever if they do. Life with Jesus is better than anyone could ever imagine. Just remember to be Dangerous, and to be crazy. You're probably almost there anyway. Drop the rest of your guard and just be all out crazy!