Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Be Dangerous and Crazy!!

So tonight at Collide, we had a guest speaker come and preach to us, and his name was Mario Hood. His message was about being Dangerous. Praying dangerous, being dangerous Christians. Now I know you're probably thinking the same thing I was. "Christians aren't supposed to be dangerous, what the heck?" But the term dangerous is used in a different context in this message. What he meant was I guess in a way to be bold. Fight with people spiritually, try to get people to be involved with God. We need to pray dangerously too. Pray for your school, for your family, for your nation, for people that need help. Don't pray for silly things like getting a B on your test because you haven't studied, or praying that you'll see that certain someone that day. We all need to pray for meaningful things. Prayer is the most powerful thing we have to use, and yet, it's the very thing that we hardly ever use. Some people only pray when they feel they really need to, like when a family member is sick or something goes wrong. We need to pray every. Single. Day. Mario said, "If prayer is something, Prayer is everything." I'm pretty sure that's how it went anyways. Haha. We also need to be crazy! And as Christians, if you're a Christian, you are already half-way there. :) Being crazy, we need to show EVERYBODY that we love and worship Jesus! We need to tell and explain to people how He has touched, and changed our lives! We need to tell people about the Gospel, and about what Jesus has done for you, other people, and what he could do for them! Tell them to just give Him a chance, and their life will change forever if they do. Life with Jesus is better than anyone could ever imagine. Just remember to be Dangerous, and to be crazy. You're probably almost there anyway. Drop the rest of your guard and just be all out crazy! 

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