Saturday, October 15, 2011

The most Memorable night of my Life....(Thus far)

So today, on October 15, 2011, I was Baptized at the most incredible Church, by the most incredible people. Words cannot even begin to describe how I felt, but I'm going to try anyway because that's how much I want to share this with everyone :) When I arrived at Next Level Church, I went to sign in and get my Baptism T-shirt. I'm going to be honest. I was so incredibly nervous. I had no idea why, and still have no idea why. But my heart was racing, and I just couldn't sit still. When the time finally came to walk outside and line up by the pool, I was a nervous wreck. (In a good way) I was so excited, and nervous, and anxious, and a whole other myriad of emotions. You know, it's weird, even writing about this is making my heart race again. Anyway, when I saw the first person get Baptized, I was just in awe. When it was almost my turn to step in the pool, I thought my heart was going to just explode. But it didn't. I'm still here :) There were bright lights all around, and the Baptisms were being filmed live for the people inside the Church to watch, so that was a little scary too.  But finally, after long seconds ticked by Pastor Kyle signaled I could go in. I stepped into the pool, walked up to Mike Ash and Scott Drummond (Two of the Pastors) and here comes Will with a microphone in hand, standing in front of the camera, talking about my blog. Then he turns to me, and unexpectedly (to me at least) starts asking me questions. Questions about what God has done for me, why I started writing my blog, how my life has changed, things like that. Completely and unexpectedly put me on the spot. Thanks for that Will :p Then, Pastor Mike and Scott started praying and finally, I was dunked... When I came back up, everything just felt, weird. I can't really explain it, but I knew something was different. My face was tingly. I stepped out of the pool, grabbed my towel, and walked over to my parents. First thing I did when I hugged my parents (Which I didn't think I would do) was cry. I don't know what came over me, but the tears just kept on coming. Lol. After the last person was Baptized, we all went to dry off and change, and as usual I went to go get hugs from my favorite people. Which, if you haven't already figured it out, I love hugs. I could live off of hugs. :) And now I'm at home, still in awe by what just happened, writing this post. And I'm sitting here thinking, my life is so incredibly blessed. I'm blessed take every single breath, I'm blessed to have all of these amazing people in my life. I couldn't ever ask for anything more. I have it all right here. Tonight will be a night I will never forget. So thank you to everyone at Next Level Church. Thank you to everyone who made my night memorable. I couldn't ask for better people to be in my life. I have the best of the best. And I have to thank God for that. :) <3

Check it out!!!

My Baptism

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