Sunday, October 30, 2011

Venom and Carnage VS Sin and Evil

Alright, so last night my father and I were having a discussion about God, and Christians and the like, when I randomly thought of the coolest analogy, for our, as in humans, sin and evil. That analogy is exactly what the title says. Yes, I'm that cool to make a Spider man reference that correlates with Religion. Anyway, here we go. :) So obviously the episode of Spiderman that I watched last night was where he encounters Venom and Carnage. Later in the episode, Brock (Venom) is in a constant battle to try and overcome the Symbiot (The alien that turns him into Venom) Now the way Brock is now, is in a way similar to people who haven't found or connected to God. These people are constantly battling temptations, and right from wrong decisions. They're battling with the evil that the Bible specifically says we all have. These people are in a daily battle with Sin and Evil, and they have no one to help them with it. Towards the end of the episode, Brock is taken to Dr. Conner's (The one armed doctor who turns into a big alligator) and Dr. Conner's is able to rid Brock of the evil Symbiot once and for all, and Brock is finally free. This reference is similar to those who seek and worship God. We, as Christians, still deal with sinning, and evil, and temptations all the time. But it's much easier to deal with and overcome if you have God to help you. When you take the oath to serve and worship and love God with everything you have, God renews you. The way Dr. Conner took away Brock's evil, God does the same for us. He takes away our past mistakes, our screw ups, our bad decisions. He takes it all away, and makes us new. We get a fresh start. And yes, we still make mistakes and bad decisions even after that, but with God to help us it becomes easier to bear. Having God on your side changes your life. And if you're one of the people that wants to get to know God, but isn't sure on how to begin, just simply ask Him. Just say, God here I am, I need you. I want to know you. He won't deny you. He may show you that He is with you in a small way, or a big impactful way. But either or, He will show you. You just have to be willing to see. God will change your life. I know this from experience, and it's the best thing that will ever happen. You will still have hard trials, and He may even be the one to put you through them. But with God on your side, with God to help you through the storm, it becomes easier. Take a leap of Faith. Get to know Jesus. What's the harm in trying? It could be the best decision you ever make.

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