Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Two Gods?

An excellent question came up today at my Youth Group called Collide, by my Pastor Will. He asked us one question. "Which Jesus do you believe in?" Now, I've been thinking about that question all day long. Since school, because I saw him in the morning. When he asked that, and that's all he said he would tell me, which was quite mean because he made my brain think of it all day long! which as some of you know, being told only part of something and not being able to hear the rest till later, can torture you. Lol. Anyways, getting on a rabbit trail here. When Will told me that's what we were going to be talking about today, I was a little confused, but quite curious. I thought "What does he mean by which Jesus do we believe in? Isn't there only one?" Well as he described it today, some Christian religions, or just some Christian people, believe in Jesus a little differently. And I'm going to do my best to reiterate what Will said, because this is quite a difficult subject to talk about. Nevertheless, here I go. He said that some Christians, believe in a Jesus that is more concerned about our good deeds, and how good we are as a person. That this Jesus doesn't want us to be uncomfortable about talking about him, so only talk about him in Church and not around friends. He wouldn't want you to loose your reputation by talking about him. He wants you to be as comfortable as you can, so just worry about you, and what you're going through and nothing else. This is the Jesus that you only have to worship when you're at Church. This Jesus is what Will described as being, the Gold Jesus. The common Jesus that many people believe in. The second Jesus, is the one who will specifically ask us to go out of our comfort zone. To take the necessary risks to spread the Gospel, and disciple people about Him. This Jesus doesn't worry about your good deeds, or how often you go to church. He worries about your Soul, and your heart. This is the Jesus that went through torment and so much pain, so that we could be free. This is the Jesus that died, cheated death, and then rose three days later! This Jesus wants us to worship Him every day, with our heart, our body, and mind. He wants us to love him with everything we have. this is the Jesus that wants us to praise and love him every. Single. Day. not just once a week, or just when we go to Church. We need to show the world and show our friends and people that yes, we love and worship Jesus! We need to disciple other people, and bring them to Him. That's the job that The Lord wants us to do. There are some Christians that say they're Christians, that may go to Church, and sing the worship songs, but yet do nothing when they get home. They don't act on what they've learned. They don't go off telling everybody they encounter that they believe in The Lord Our God. Yet, that's exactly what we should be doing! We need to put ourselves in the middle of people, and show them that God has changed our life, and that He can change theirs too. We need to not be afraid to speak of Him to other people, but be excited and want to teach others about Him! This, is Our God. This is the God that has big plans for us, and yes, sometimes He may put us in an uncomfortable situation. But that's all part of the plan. So, think about that question. Really think about it. Which God have you been following? Are you the person that maybe goes to Church and goes through all the motions, but does nothing when they get home?

Finally was able to get the video up. Check it out! it's incredible!

Which Jesus do you serve?

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