Saturday, September 17, 2011

Your "Jonathan" Friends

I'm going to go off the words of my Pastor here, and ask you a question. How close are you to your best friend? When's the last time you had a real conversation with them? If you have a facebook, and I'm assuming you do, how many of the hundreds of friends do you truly know? I guarantee most of them you're just acquainted with. Teenagers these days, with all of the social media sites seem to be so socially sound. But we're not. Do you have a friend that you can truly tell everything to? Someone that you know always has your back? If you do that's great. But here's the big question. Does that friend pull you toward, or away from Jesus? My Pastor spoke of us having "Jonathan Friends", and at first I thought "what's a Jonathan Friend"? Then he told the story of David and Goliath, and How King Saul and his son "Jonathan" took David in to care for him. David and Jonathan became best friends, and when David and Jonathan realized the King was trying to kill David, Jonathan vowed to help him. To be there for David no matter what, because Jonathan "Loved David as he loved himself". Will (My Pastor) said that we need Jonathan friends in our lives. Someone to pull us TOWARD Jesus, and not away from him. Someone that we know will have our back no matter what hardship, or dark time we go through. Be wise in what friends you choose to keep around, because your best friend may not be the best person for you to be around.  They may be the very ones keeping you from who you want to be. They may be the very ones pulling you away from Jesus. Proverbs 13:20 says this. "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools, suffers harm." If you hang out with foolish people, you too will become foolish. It doesn't matter how good a person you are. You will suffer harm, from being with them. 1st Corinthians 15:33 says this. "Bad company, corrupts good character" You will become who you hang out with. It's inevitable, hang out with people that try to get you closer to Jesus. Will spoke of this during his Sermon, and you would be prudent to take note of it all. Give the Lord a chance in your life. He wants to guide you in the right direction, and he wants to fill that hole in your heart. Because no matter what you do, that hole will always be there unless you accept God. Think about it.

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