Friday, September 23, 2011

Reflections Part 2

So I'm going to go off of my previous post, because I came up with a few more thoughts on the subject. Some people think, that they have to be good enough. Just good enough.  We have this perception that if we're not good enough we won't be liked, that we'll be an outcast. We set this standard that most of the time isn't what we need at all. You need to be yourself, and you need to learn that being someone else? It's not going to get you anywhere. If you lie to people and tell them you're something else, you're not going to be trusted very well. I know some people that even lie to themselves about who they are, because they want so badly to be something different than what they were born with. And again, this all ties in to the insecurities that we have and can't seem to get over. You are who you are. God wanted you to be that way. You were made in his image, by his own hands. Don't try and change yourself to fit in, or to be popular. Be yourself and I promise you, you will be liked. You will find great friends that love you for who you are. Why would you hide your true personality? I have been told so many times that I am weird, or too goofy, or something of that matter. But you know what? It's the way I am. I don't hide myself from people, and because I don't I have wonderful friends that know me. The real me. We're all weird together, and I know we're weird because people will stare at us when we are having fun, or being loud and goofy. But we just laugh because we are the ones enjoying life. We are the ones who don't have to worry about what people think because we have each other. And if you are one of the people that on a daily basis say to yourself "I wish I could change this about me", you need to realize that you are perfect in your own way. That Jesus made you that way for a reason. Have you ever thought that maybe the part of you that you can't seem to accept, may just be the very thing that captivates your future husband/wife? I have noticed that what a girl doesn't like about herself, her friends seems to love about her. Because it's the way you are. Jesus makes beautiful things out of dust. He made you, a beautiful person, and you need to realize that. If you are constantly wishing you could change something about yourself, pray to Jesus to change your outlook. Pray to God that He'll help you see you for who you are. That He'll help you repair those thoughts that are constantly putting yourself down. Because if you do, He will be there. He will help you. He will repair the broken mirror. You. Are. Beautiful. No matter what anyone says or think.

Take a look at this song. It's, well it's beautiful. :)

Beautiful Things

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