Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So tonight, on 9/21/11 I experienced so far the best Youth Group Service ever. Tonight, my Pastor spoke of the one true thing, and it's a big thing that ALL people deal with. Insecurities. We all deal with insecurities and imperfections that we point out about ourselves. Why do we do it? Why do we feel the need to constantly put ourselves down? To put other people down? Something that we can't seem to grasp, is that God wanted us to be the way we are.  God made us with his own two hands, and he doesn't make mistakes. The way you look? It's exactly the way you're supposed to look, so accept it. I still struggle with insecurities, but I'm doing my best to get over those and tell myself that I'm supposed to be this way. That I'm this way for a REASON. Will made a great point tonight. What's one of the first things you do when you get up in the morning? I bet most of you head straight to the bathroom. And if you don't, you do shortly after. When we're in the bathroom, we look in the mirror, and start to pick ourselves away. "My nose is too big." Or "I need to lose weight". We're always always always criticizing our looks. And for what? A bad start to the morning and a need to put others down so we don't feel like we're the only ones? Well I'm going to let you in on a secret. WE'RE NOT THE ONLY ONES! And it's not a secret! Every. Single. Person. Deals with insecurities. It's a part of life people! But are we going to let the imperfections, which by the way are called "imperfections" for a reason, rule our lives? Are we really going to let them dictate who we do or don't get close with? Are we going to let them keep us from making friends, or trusting people? We are not perfect beings! GOD made us exactly, the way we are supposed to be. Criticizing yourself is criticizing the Lords work. We are all different, and we are all imperfect. Stop picking yourself to pieces each time you look in the mirror. For once, instead of picking out the flaws, pick out the good things about yourself. Because no matter what anyone else tells you, or how you feel about yourself that day, you are beautiful! God made you that way! Tell yourself that you are good enough to do what you want to do, and that you are a strong person. Because you are. Stop bringing yourself down, because it doesn't affect just you. it affects everyone around you. Seek the Lord as a comfort, because he will be there when you need him. Ask him to help repair your thoughts about yourself. He'll answer. He does not deny those who seek him. Try lifting yourself up instead of putting yourself down. Trust me, I know it's hard. I'm a Person too! I have my insecurities and dislikes about myself just as much as you do. But I'm taking the step to work on mine. I'm asking Jesus for help, and I know he'll answer. We are imperfect people. Together, we are imperfect beings. It's just the way it is. Stop looking in a mirror that magnifies every little flaw about you. Instead, use a mirror that looks at you as a whole. Let it show you what a truly beautiful person you are. People nowadays don't hear that word very often. But we need to. We all need to know that we are beautiful people, inside and out. This goes for guys too. Let the Lord help you. It's what he's waiting for.
I think every. Single. Person. Needs to watch this video. Please.

Remedy for Broken Mirrors

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