Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Lone Wolf

Alright, so here's my idea on The Lone Wolf. What comes to mind when you think of a Lone Wolf? I think of a sad, hungry, abandoned Wolf, looking for a pack. Well, this makes me think of humans. That no matter how close we are to our family or friends, we still feel this, this emptiness inside of us. It's something that gnaws at us , and we're never sure on what it means, or how to fix it. I have found the answer to that. The answer is Jesus Christ. You see, my thought is that until you find the Lord, you're just a lone Wolf, wandering around, calling out for someone to find you so you won't be sad and lonely anymore. We, as Human Beings are designed to receive one main type of Love. That love only comes from Jesus, and until you accept him into your life, you're going to continue calling out for something, anything that you believe can fill that void in your heart. But the Lord is the only one who can make you whole. Accept Him into your life, love Him with all the love you have, and trust Him to always keep you on the right path. If you reach out to Him, He will be there. Until then you're just going to continue feeling sad and lonely, and no matter how many friends you surround yourself with, it will never go away. It will never be filled. You're only going to be half a person. Don't be a Lone Wolf anymore. Seek the Lord and all of his Glory and feel whole, feel His love wrap around you. Become a member of the Pack.

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