Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Two Gods?

An excellent question came up today at my Youth Group called Collide, by my Pastor Will. He asked us one question. "Which Jesus do you believe in?" Now, I've been thinking about that question all day long. Since school, because I saw him in the morning. When he asked that, and that's all he said he would tell me, which was quite mean because he made my brain think of it all day long! which as some of you know, being told only part of something and not being able to hear the rest till later, can torture you. Lol. Anyways, getting on a rabbit trail here. When Will told me that's what we were going to be talking about today, I was a little confused, but quite curious. I thought "What does he mean by which Jesus do we believe in? Isn't there only one?" Well as he described it today, some Christian religions, or just some Christian people, believe in Jesus a little differently. And I'm going to do my best to reiterate what Will said, because this is quite a difficult subject to talk about. Nevertheless, here I go. He said that some Christians, believe in a Jesus that is more concerned about our good deeds, and how good we are as a person. That this Jesus doesn't want us to be uncomfortable about talking about him, so only talk about him in Church and not around friends. He wouldn't want you to loose your reputation by talking about him. He wants you to be as comfortable as you can, so just worry about you, and what you're going through and nothing else. This is the Jesus that you only have to worship when you're at Church. This Jesus is what Will described as being, the Gold Jesus. The common Jesus that many people believe in. The second Jesus, is the one who will specifically ask us to go out of our comfort zone. To take the necessary risks to spread the Gospel, and disciple people about Him. This Jesus doesn't worry about your good deeds, or how often you go to church. He worries about your Soul, and your heart. This is the Jesus that went through torment and so much pain, so that we could be free. This is the Jesus that died, cheated death, and then rose three days later! This Jesus wants us to worship Him every day, with our heart, our body, and mind. He wants us to love him with everything we have. this is the Jesus that wants us to praise and love him every. Single. Day. not just once a week, or just when we go to Church. We need to show the world and show our friends and people that yes, we love and worship Jesus! We need to disciple other people, and bring them to Him. That's the job that The Lord wants us to do. There are some Christians that say they're Christians, that may go to Church, and sing the worship songs, but yet do nothing when they get home. They don't act on what they've learned. They don't go off telling everybody they encounter that they believe in The Lord Our God. Yet, that's exactly what we should be doing! We need to put ourselves in the middle of people, and show them that God has changed our life, and that He can change theirs too. We need to not be afraid to speak of Him to other people, but be excited and want to teach others about Him! This, is Our God. This is the God that has big plans for us, and yes, sometimes He may put us in an uncomfortable situation. But that's all part of the plan. So, think about that question. Really think about it. Which God have you been following? Are you the person that maybe goes to Church and goes through all the motions, but does nothing when they get home?

Finally was able to get the video up. Check it out! it's incredible!

Which Jesus do you serve?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

This is Love

"Every soul every beating heart. Every Nation and every tongue. Come find hope in the love of the Father". These are lyrics to one of my favorite songs, called Our God Is Love by Hillsong. The reason I chose this particular verse is because it says every nation and every tongue can find hope in our father, Jesus Christ. Every single person can be involved with Jesus. It doesn't matter where you live, what ethnicity, what your background story is, because if you accept him you will be forgiven. God loves you no matter what. You know that empty feeling that you can't seem to get rid of? That hole in you that nothing seems to be able to fill? You can't fill it. Nothing that you do will ever be able to fill it. Not drugs, not sex, nothing of that sort. There is one thing and one thing only that can stop and fill that emptiness inside you. Gods love. Only the Lord can fill that hole inside you. It's like if you had a square peg and a round hole. That peg will never, no matter how hard you try, ever fit inside that round hole. Gods love is specifically designed to fit right inside that hole inside you. You want to know the definition of Love? God! Gods love is greater than anything you will ever experience! It's greater than your friends love, your family's love, anything. Nothing can compare to the love of Jesus. Our God is love. If you bring the Lord into your life you will be renewed. All the dark things that you have done, or the darkness that you have lived in for so long will be forgiven. It will disappear. The Bible even says in John 8:12 "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life". You can and will start over. You know, even if you're not sure about God, there's no harm in trying right? If you seek the Lord He will reveal Himself to you. God does not deny those who seek Him. I know I say that in almost every post but it's true! He. Will. Reveal Himself. You just have to ask Him. It may be in a big undeniable way, or it could be in a more subtle way. Like bringing someone in your life, or maybe bringing you to an amazing Church like He did with me. You just have to open your eyes and look.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Brand New You

God seems to work in mysterious ways. Have you ever noticed? Have you ever wanted to just, start over? Redo your life, or maybe a moment that got you addicted to something, or something you did that you knew was wrong? I want you to know that you can start over! When you accept the Lord into your life, He renews you. If you ask for forgiveness, He'll give it to you! When you have Jesus in your life, you become a new person. He works his magical ways into your life, and changes you little by little. All the things you've done in the past, all the wrongs you've committed, it doesn't matter. Jesus forgives you, if only you ask Him to. He will continually make you a new person. Everyday, every second, He will change something about you. And you will see it. You can start over. There is nothing that you have done, nothing that is so bad, that the Lord will not forgive you for. Don't be afraid that you're not good enough for Him, because He wants to help you. He wants to be the one to change your life, and He wants you to love Him with all you have. He will be there for you. Jesus is always with you whether you think so or not. Let him into your life and allow him to help change you. You'll be amazed at what happens.

Reflections Part 2

So I'm going to go off of my previous post, because I came up with a few more thoughts on the subject. Some people think, that they have to be good enough. Just good enough.  We have this perception that if we're not good enough we won't be liked, that we'll be an outcast. We set this standard that most of the time isn't what we need at all. You need to be yourself, and you need to learn that being someone else? It's not going to get you anywhere. If you lie to people and tell them you're something else, you're not going to be trusted very well. I know some people that even lie to themselves about who they are, because they want so badly to be something different than what they were born with. And again, this all ties in to the insecurities that we have and can't seem to get over. You are who you are. God wanted you to be that way. You were made in his image, by his own hands. Don't try and change yourself to fit in, or to be popular. Be yourself and I promise you, you will be liked. You will find great friends that love you for who you are. Why would you hide your true personality? I have been told so many times that I am weird, or too goofy, or something of that matter. But you know what? It's the way I am. I don't hide myself from people, and because I don't I have wonderful friends that know me. The real me. We're all weird together, and I know we're weird because people will stare at us when we are having fun, or being loud and goofy. But we just laugh because we are the ones enjoying life. We are the ones who don't have to worry about what people think because we have each other. And if you are one of the people that on a daily basis say to yourself "I wish I could change this about me", you need to realize that you are perfect in your own way. That Jesus made you that way for a reason. Have you ever thought that maybe the part of you that you can't seem to accept, may just be the very thing that captivates your future husband/wife? I have noticed that what a girl doesn't like about herself, her friends seems to love about her. Because it's the way you are. Jesus makes beautiful things out of dust. He made you, a beautiful person, and you need to realize that. If you are constantly wishing you could change something about yourself, pray to Jesus to change your outlook. Pray to God that He'll help you see you for who you are. That He'll help you repair those thoughts that are constantly putting yourself down. Because if you do, He will be there. He will help you. He will repair the broken mirror. You. Are. Beautiful. No matter what anyone says or think.

Take a look at this song. It's, well it's beautiful. :)

Beautiful Things

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So tonight, on 9/21/11 I experienced so far the best Youth Group Service ever. Tonight, my Pastor spoke of the one true thing, and it's a big thing that ALL people deal with. Insecurities. We all deal with insecurities and imperfections that we point out about ourselves. Why do we do it? Why do we feel the need to constantly put ourselves down? To put other people down? Something that we can't seem to grasp, is that God wanted us to be the way we are.  God made us with his own two hands, and he doesn't make mistakes. The way you look? It's exactly the way you're supposed to look, so accept it. I still struggle with insecurities, but I'm doing my best to get over those and tell myself that I'm supposed to be this way. That I'm this way for a REASON. Will made a great point tonight. What's one of the first things you do when you get up in the morning? I bet most of you head straight to the bathroom. And if you don't, you do shortly after. When we're in the bathroom, we look in the mirror, and start to pick ourselves away. "My nose is too big." Or "I need to lose weight". We're always always always criticizing our looks. And for what? A bad start to the morning and a need to put others down so we don't feel like we're the only ones? Well I'm going to let you in on a secret. WE'RE NOT THE ONLY ONES! And it's not a secret! Every. Single. Person. Deals with insecurities. It's a part of life people! But are we going to let the imperfections, which by the way are called "imperfections" for a reason, rule our lives? Are we really going to let them dictate who we do or don't get close with? Are we going to let them keep us from making friends, or trusting people? We are not perfect beings! GOD made us exactly, the way we are supposed to be. Criticizing yourself is criticizing the Lords work. We are all different, and we are all imperfect. Stop picking yourself to pieces each time you look in the mirror. For once, instead of picking out the flaws, pick out the good things about yourself. Because no matter what anyone else tells you, or how you feel about yourself that day, you are beautiful! God made you that way! Tell yourself that you are good enough to do what you want to do, and that you are a strong person. Because you are. Stop bringing yourself down, because it doesn't affect just you. it affects everyone around you. Seek the Lord as a comfort, because he will be there when you need him. Ask him to help repair your thoughts about yourself. He'll answer. He does not deny those who seek him. Try lifting yourself up instead of putting yourself down. Trust me, I know it's hard. I'm a Person too! I have my insecurities and dislikes about myself just as much as you do. But I'm taking the step to work on mine. I'm asking Jesus for help, and I know he'll answer. We are imperfect people. Together, we are imperfect beings. It's just the way it is. Stop looking in a mirror that magnifies every little flaw about you. Instead, use a mirror that looks at you as a whole. Let it show you what a truly beautiful person you are. People nowadays don't hear that word very often. But we need to. We all need to know that we are beautiful people, inside and out. This goes for guys too. Let the Lord help you. It's what he's waiting for.
I think every. Single. Person. Needs to watch this video. Please.

Remedy for Broken Mirrors

Monday, September 19, 2011

What if........?

This one goes out to all of you who are unsure if the Lord is real, or for those of you who say you don't believe in Him. But what if He is real? What if Heaven is real? What if what we do in this life matters, and determines where we go in the next? What if? There are so many things that happen in life, to people, that we as Humans just can't seem to explain. So let me ask you this. Are you really willing to put your life on the line, and say you don't believe in Jesus Christ? It takes so much more Faith to believe that He isn't real, than to just accept that the weird, and unexplainable miracles that happen in the world, are cause by God. Reach out for Him. He's waiting for you.

Check out this video by my Pastor. It really will get you thinking. Give the Lord a chance.

Dug Down Deep Part 2

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Lone Wolf

Alright, so here's my idea on The Lone Wolf. What comes to mind when you think of a Lone Wolf? I think of a sad, hungry, abandoned Wolf, looking for a pack. Well, this makes me think of humans. That no matter how close we are to our family or friends, we still feel this, this emptiness inside of us. It's something that gnaws at us , and we're never sure on what it means, or how to fix it. I have found the answer to that. The answer is Jesus Christ. You see, my thought is that until you find the Lord, you're just a lone Wolf, wandering around, calling out for someone to find you so you won't be sad and lonely anymore. We, as Human Beings are designed to receive one main type of Love. That love only comes from Jesus, and until you accept him into your life, you're going to continue calling out for something, anything that you believe can fill that void in your heart. But the Lord is the only one who can make you whole. Accept Him into your life, love Him with all the love you have, and trust Him to always keep you on the right path. If you reach out to Him, He will be there. Until then you're just going to continue feeling sad and lonely, and no matter how many friends you surround yourself with, it will never go away. It will never be filled. You're only going to be half a person. Don't be a Lone Wolf anymore. Seek the Lord and all of his Glory and feel whole, feel His love wrap around you. Become a member of the Pack.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Your "Jonathan" Friends

I'm going to go off the words of my Pastor here, and ask you a question. How close are you to your best friend? When's the last time you had a real conversation with them? If you have a facebook, and I'm assuming you do, how many of the hundreds of friends do you truly know? I guarantee most of them you're just acquainted with. Teenagers these days, with all of the social media sites seem to be so socially sound. But we're not. Do you have a friend that you can truly tell everything to? Someone that you know always has your back? If you do that's great. But here's the big question. Does that friend pull you toward, or away from Jesus? My Pastor spoke of us having "Jonathan Friends", and at first I thought "what's a Jonathan Friend"? Then he told the story of David and Goliath, and How King Saul and his son "Jonathan" took David in to care for him. David and Jonathan became best friends, and when David and Jonathan realized the King was trying to kill David, Jonathan vowed to help him. To be there for David no matter what, because Jonathan "Loved David as he loved himself". Will (My Pastor) said that we need Jonathan friends in our lives. Someone to pull us TOWARD Jesus, and not away from him. Someone that we know will have our back no matter what hardship, or dark time we go through. Be wise in what friends you choose to keep around, because your best friend may not be the best person for you to be around.  They may be the very ones keeping you from who you want to be. They may be the very ones pulling you away from Jesus. Proverbs 13:20 says this. "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools, suffers harm." If you hang out with foolish people, you too will become foolish. It doesn't matter how good a person you are. You will suffer harm, from being with them. 1st Corinthians 15:33 says this. "Bad company, corrupts good character" You will become who you hang out with. It's inevitable, hang out with people that try to get you closer to Jesus. Will spoke of this during his Sermon, and you would be prudent to take note of it all. Give the Lord a chance in your life. He wants to guide you in the right direction, and he wants to fill that hole in your heart. Because no matter what you do, that hole will always be there unless you accept God. Think about it.

A Little Bit Of Help

For those of you who do not know what a "Paradigm Shift" is, it is simply a changed way of thinking. Taking off clouded glasses if you will, and seeing things for what they really are. This applies to me, and to my life, because I have recently found God. Now I have always believed in the Lord, and even once experienced him. I've recently been going to an amazing Youth Group called Collide, and that is what has caused my Paradigm Shift. The first time I went to Collide, I was a little hesitant as to what I was going to hear. But what I heard, changed my life. If you're a person who doesn't believe in God, or isn't sure on what to believe, do me, and yourself a favor. Reach out to Him. Seek Him. The Lord does not deny those who seek him. I have been much happier since going to this Church. The people there are so welcoming and feel like Family. I have seen, and understood things better than what I ever thought I would. The Lord has touched my life, and my heart, and I don't feel as empty anymore. So if you're a person that says God is distant, and God is far away, He isn't. God is ALWAYS with you, and He LOVES you. He's with you even as you're reading this. All you have to do is reach out to him. I'm hoping this will kind of get you thinking, and if it does, I want you to go to this website, and watch the videos. They are the Sermons that my Youth Pastor Will talks about on Youth Group Nights. And they are incredibly amazing, and life changing. Please watch them. Just go to